I Advertise, so how come I Don't Get More Work?Well the answer is that the only people
who actually use print and media advertising to find new servicemen are people
who do not already know a reliable serviceman to call on. So you are pitching
your advertising to a limited market. Some people who should be ringing you
are ringing your competitors, because they are not even looking for your
advertising. It is possible to get these customers back…… Why
are they ringing your competitors, instead of you?
Because your competitors are using smart methods of gaining their attention. If you have been to a customers home and not put a small sticker on their washing machine/dryer etc, then you are missing out an a great opportunity. When your customer needs you’re service, they will need to go looking for you, and chances are, they’ll find someone else. It actually costs between 5 and 17 times as much to
get a new customer as it does to keep an old one. Your old customers have used your services before, and therefore they are very well profiled customers - much better than just blindly advertising in the wider media. Your customers trust you (or at least don’t distrust you) you have a product that they want, they know how much you charge, and they are prepared to pay it. You know all this about them, so why not target your advertising towards them? And the good news is that you can advertise to them for virtually nothing! New customers are expensive, so when you get a
new customer, keep them! What you need to do is to spend just a little bit of money advertising to your existing customers, and you’ll save a lot of money advertising to others. As obvious as this sounds, a lot of our trade customers are still not doing it, so we have organised a deal to help you. We are now supplying small printed stickers for the purpose of putting on customers machines. The stickers are small, water proof, unobtrusive and white (with blue or black printing). Anything more obvious than that may get peeled off. You don’t need great flashy
when yours is the only ad in sight! They come in two sizes, and a selection of styles, and are priced at only $38 per thousand for the small ones and $58 per thousand for the bigger ones - And we’ve made it easy for you. Click Here for samples of the stickers available and to custom design and order your stickers. |