Fly Free With Dougie'sActually you can fly free by spending money with anyone, if you spend it on your credit card, but at Dougies you can still use our 30 day account, still get all the benefits that go with it, and then pay your account with your card. Depending on the type of card you have, you will get your reward points, plus another month of free credit. By doing this you can get up to 80 days interest free, and still get your points! Plus we've made it easy for you. Simply fill in a credit card authority form and pay your account in one of two ways. You can have your card debited automatically. You still get your statement showing exactly what you’ve spent each month, but the balance is transferred to your card, automatically. This has the extra benefit of saving you from having to worry about remembering to pay your account. Or if you wish, we can phone you each month to see how much if any you wish to pay with your card this month.
You can pay all, some or none. Whatever amount you choose not to transfer to
your card will simply appear as your balance on your statement, and you will
have 30 days to pay it as usual. this has the extra benefit of
flexibility. |