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 Brand new Conia Appliances!

With the latest technology and durabilty to last how could you say no at these prices!:




Air-Conditioners (Split Pystems) $799
Refrigerators $199


Cool Gel is a heat dissipating spray. Part Number T101. Spray Cool Gel on sensitive areas around where you are soldering or brazing, to prevent heat damage, discolouration, and the risk of fire.

  • Gelled formula – sticks to surfaces without running
  • Clear – no residue
  • Safe, non toxic, non-corrosive, and odourless
  • Prevents damage to rubber and plastic parts such as gaskets
  • Prevents the messy process of shielding heat sensitive areas the old way.

Remember when soldering a pipe in the back of a fridge meant stuffing pieces of tin and old chaff bags everywhere. It's really messy, and, to the customer, it looks like you've got no idea what you're doing. 

Well not any more. With Cool Gel, you just spray the sensitive areas, work your magic with the heat and just wipe off the excess. It sounds too good to be true, but it is true. Try it and you'll never go back!










Brand new Nobel appliances!

Italian made kitchen appliances.
Elegant design to compliment any kitchen.